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Our Services

We get rid of 90% of diseases using Millennium proven funds
Stretching Yoga

Stretching Yoga

Remove back pain, stiffness of joints, muscle weakness, general stiffness and tension..
  • Better coordination
  • Joint strengthening
  • Self-confidence

Body Balance

The direction of yoga, which includes a complex of asanas, regular practices for balance training..
  • Concentration of attention
  • Muscle development
  • Emotional balance
Body Balance
 Meditatin Yoga

Meditatin Yoga

The practice of meditation increases the intellectual abilities of a person, including improved memory..
  • Let go of pains, fears, grievances
  • Improving brain activity
  • Increased levels of concentration and attention

Pilates Yoga

Exercises for the whole body, which will help to work out all the muscles, improve posture.
  • Reduced nerve tension
  • Strengthening the spine
  • Beautiful physique and figure
 Pilates Yoga
 Fitness Yoga

Fitness Yoga

Uniting Eastern and Western practices for active people who can withstand heavy loads.
  • Beautiful posture
  • Development of endurance and performance
  • Boosting body energy

Yoga Theraphy
for Women’s and Men’s Health

Most Popular Questions

What will yoga practice give me?
Poses (asanas) help improve health, and breathing exercises and relaxation give you the ability to control consciousness. You can use these methods simply to promote health and relieve stress, as well as to further develop in any area of life.
How to combine yoga and other sports?
It is advisable to spread yoga classes by time with a different load of 4-6 hours, but better on different days. If it falls on one day, then let it be after another load..
What do you need for class?
For classes, you need a sports uniform that will not interfere with movements, a mat and a towel. Be sure to take water with you. Socks will be useful for those who freeze.
Can I do yoga?
Anyone can do yoga, regardless of gender and age. There are no absolute contraindications, however, if you have health problems, we recommend that you consult an experienced teacher before starting classes.
Does yoga contribute to weight loss?
Yes, sure. Yoga improves metabolism and, as a result, helps normalize body weight. But weight loss is a concomitant effect, not a goal of yoga.

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